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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

好歌不停[18] High by Lighthouse Family


When you're close to tears remember
Someday it'll all be over
One day we're gonna get so high
Though it's darker than December
What's ahead is a different colour
One day we're gonna get so high

And at the end of the day remember the days
When we were close to the end
And wonder how we made it through the night
At the end of the day
Remember the way
We stayed so close to the end
We'll remember it was me and you

Cause we are gonna be
Forever, you and me
You will always keep it flying high in the sky of love

Don't you think it's time you started
Doing what we always wanted
One day we're gonna get so high
Cause even the impossible
Is easy when we got each other
One day we're gonna get so high

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The curious case of Benjamin Linus

Sayid 一枪把儿时的Ben 击倒,我没有用击毙这字眼因为谁都不知道他是不是真的死了。如果被枪击的是成年的Ben 那肯定是大快人心,虽然Ben 到现在究竟是邪是正也没有人能肯定。

中了那么一枪如果想存活似乎不太可能,如果他真的死了那所有的一切是不是要改写?Dharma Initiative 的人们就不会被杀,The Others 也不会由他领导。

又或者正如Faraday 所说,whatever happened, happened,所以不管70 年代发生了什么事都不会改变以后。时空交错的剧情什么事都有可能发生,John 不就是这样死而复生?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Madtv - 3 minute meal - Tuna melts

Let's get this 3 minute meal going!

Thursday, March 19, 2009



Tuesday, March 17, 2009


近来生活忙碌,我竟然忘了想念你。是不是因为太久没有想念你,所以你才托梦给我?Sorry, that came out wrong, you're still alive. You are, right? 当时我经过你身旁,你急忙跟了出来。我有点惊讶,你从来没有那么积极过,看来你也是很挂记着我的。



Friday, March 13, 2009

DIN Burger

我吃了好多档的汉堡,始终没有一档可以媲美当年在槟城吃的DIN Burger。这里的汉堡体积小,蔬菜放得少,味道也差了一截。DIN Burger 充分饱满,蔬菜放得一点都不吝啬,厚厚地都溢出来好像不用钱似的。牛肉鲜美多汁,陪上辣椒酱和蛋黄酱,满满地流出来,简直好吃到不得了。

好想念DIN Burger,想念在槟城三年的生活。转眼我已经离开三年了,还是会不时想起在那里的点点滴滴。What I would do to take another bite of DIN Burger。。。。

Wednesday, March 11, 2009










Thursday, March 05, 2009

好歌不停[17] 小聪明 - 王菲


Monday, March 02, 2009

sick · love

I was trying to get your attention by paying no attention to you. Were you doing the same thing? I'm sorry, it's all my imagination.

I wish I could let you know how I feel about you. I wish I knew what's on your mind. But that's the answer I'll never be able to find out.

We may never see each other again, and there's nothing I can do about that. Is this something supposed to happen? Because good things don't happen to me.